Adding Your Facebook Admin ID

If you're using a Facebook feature that requires the fb:admins meta tag, then you'll want to add your Facebook Admin ID to your site.

Luckily, All in One SEO makes this easy.

Adding Your Facebook Admin ID

To get started, click on Social Networks in the All in One SEO menu and then click on the Facebook tab.

Social Networks in the All in One SEO menu

On the Facebook screen, scroll down to the Advanced Settings section and click the toggle to display the settings.

Facebook Admin ID field in Facebook Advanced Settings

You will see a field for Facebook Admin ID, paste your Admin ID in this field and you're done.

You can enter multiple Facebook Admin ID's by separating them with a comma.

How to Find Your Facebook Admin ID

You can find your Facebook  ID by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile, right click anywhere on the page and select View Page Source
  2. Search the page for “USER_ID”. The number that you see is your numeric Facebook ID.