Setting Article Tags for Facebook

All in One SEO has the ability to generate and output article:tag meta tags which may be used by Facebook and other social media networks to associate related content.

All in One SEO can generate these meta tags from Categories, Tags and SEO Keywords for a post.

Tutorial Video

Getting Started

To get started, click on Social Networks in the All in One SEO menu and then click on the Facebook tab.

Social Networks menu item in All in One SEO

On the Facebook screen, scroll down to the Advanced Settings section and click the toggle to display the settings.

Advanced Settings toggle for Facebook

You should now see the Automatically Generate Article Tags setting. Set this to Yes and you'll see some additional settings are displayed.

Article Tags settings in the Facebook Advanced Settings

You can use the settings shown above to select what you want your article tags generated from. You can choose to use the SEO keywords from All in One SEO, or the categories or tags for your posts.