Sharing Content on Slack

Did you know you can control how your content looks when you share it on Slack?

All in One SEO makes it easy by enabling you to control the title, description, and image that will appear on Slack when you share a URL for your content.

With Enhanced Slack Sharing you can automatically include who the content was written by and the estimated reading time.

Getting Started

Slack uses the same information as Twitter, so whatever you set for Twitter is also used by Slack.

URL shared on Slack showing title, description, image, author, and estimated reading time

To get started, edit your content and scroll down to the AIOSEO Settings and click on the Social tab.

You should see the Twitter tab where you’ll set the title, description, and image that will show on Slack.

Setting the Title

To set the title for your page, click on one of our smart tags shown above the Twitter Title field.

Adding a smart tag to the Twitter Title field

You can also type the hash character ( # ) in the field to display a list of available tags you can choose from.

Typing the hash symbol displays a list of available tags to choose from

You can also enter text in the Twitter Title field or combine text with the smart tags and there’s an emoji picker where you can add an emoji.

Setting the Description

To set the description for this content, click on one of our smart tags shown above the Twitter Description field.

Adding a smart tag to the Twitter Description field

You can also type the hash character ( # ) in the field to display a list of available tags you can choose from.

You can also enter text in the field or combine text with smart tags and there’s an emoji picker where you can add an emoji.

Setting the Image

Next, we’re going to set the image.

You can do this using the Image Source setting. Click the drop down to see the available choices.

You can select Custom Image and a Twitter Image setting will be displayed where you can upload an image, select an image from your Media Library or paste the URL for an image.

Setting the Image Source and Twitter Image

Setting the Card Type

Next, we’re going to set the Card Type. For Slack, we recommend choosing Summary with Large Image.

Twitter Card Type setting

Enhanced Slack Sharing

Finally, we need to enable the Enhanced Slack Sharing.

To do this, exit out of your content editor, saving any changes, and go to All in One SEO > Social Networks and click on the Twitter tab.

Scroll down to the Additional Data setting and set it to Enabled.

This will enable All in One SEO to output the author of the content as the Written by and it will calculate and output the Estimated reading time.

That’s all! You’ve now set the social meta that Slack will use when your content is shared.