Support for Videos Embedded Using the Media Library

All in One SEO Pro version 4.0 now natively supports locally hosted videos and will use your site logo as the video image. If no site logo is set, then we'll use a generic video image as shown below.

The Video XML Sitemap in All in One SEO Pro supports videos that are locally hosted in the Media Library.  When you add a video from your Media Library to a post or page, the video is embedded using a shortcode that looks like this:

Example video shortcode in WordPressYou can control the title and description of the video in the Edit Media dialog.

The video thumbnail will be a default thumbnail as seen below:

Video Sitemap showing default video thumbnail

You can set a different thumbnail for the video by using the custom field aioseop_video_thumbnail as shown in the screenshot below:

Custom Field showing aioseop_video_thumbnail value