WPCode Snippet Library

All in One SEO has native integration with our WPCode plugin which enables you to use many of our code snippets to extend the features of All in One SEO.

Tutorial Video

Check out our video on how to use the WPCode Snippet Library below:

Getting Started

To get started, click on Tools in the All in One SEO menu.

Tools menu item shown in the All in One SEO menu

Next, click on the Code Snippets tab.

Code Snippets screen shown in All in One SEO

If you don't have the WPCode plugin already installed and activated, then you'll see an Activate WPCode button. Click this to install the free WPCode plugin.

WPCode Snippet Library

You'll now see all of the available code snippets you can use for All in One SEO.

Code Snippets screen showing the available snippets for All in One SEO

Using a Code Snippet

Click on the Use Snippet button for a code snippet and you'll be taken to the Edit Snippet screen in WPCode where you can customize and/or activate the snippet.

Edit Snippet screen shown in WPCode

Activating a Code Snippet

Click on the toggle in the top right corner of the screen to active the code snippet.

Activate toggle shown on the Edit Snippet screen in WPCode

That's all! You've now activated an All in One SEO code snippet on your site using WPCode.

For more information about using WPCode and it's features, check out their website here.

This feature was added in All in One SEO version 4.3.8. There's no legacy documentation available.