Keyword gap analysis is the process of identifying valuable keywords that your competitors rank for, but your website doesn’t. This analysis helps uncover untapped opportunities to improve your search engine rankings and attract more relevant traffic.

SEO tools like Semrush’s Keyword Gap and Ahrefs’ Content Gap allow you to compare your website’s keyword rankings against your competitors’. These tools highlight keywords that your competitors rank for but your site doesn’t, and keywords that your competitors rank higher for than you do.

By conducting a keyword gap analysis, you can:

  • Discover new keyword opportunities to target in your content strategy.
  • Identify areas where your competitors outperform you and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Find gaps in your content that need to be filled to compete effectively.

Ultimately, keyword gap analysis provides valuable insights to refine your SEO strategy, create targeted content, and improve your search engine rankings relative to your competitors.

Learn more in Keyword Gap Analysis: Increase Marketshare With This SEO Tactic.