Programmatic SEO is the process of using automated tools, scripts, or software to generate and optimize large amounts of content and web pages at scale for search engine rankings.

This approach aims to create numerous pages targeting specific long-tail keywords, often for e-commerce, job boards, or other sites with large inventories or databases.

Examples of programmatic SEO include:

  • E-commerce product pages: Automatically generating unique product pages with optimized titles, descriptions, and meta tags based on a database of product information.
  • Location-based pages: Creating multiple pages for a service or product targeting different cities, regions, or countries, with the content dynamically adjusted for each location.
  • Job listing pages: Automatically generating job listing pages with unique content based on job titles, descriptions, and locations pulled from a database.
  • Real estate listings: Creating individual pages for each property listing with optimized content, images, and meta data pulled from a real estate database.
  • News or article aggregation: Automatically generating pages with curated content, summaries, or snippets from multiple sources on a specific topic or theme.
  • FAQs or knowledge base articles: Using customer data or common search queries to generate numerous FAQ pages or knowledge base articles with optimized content.

While programmatic SEO can help create a large volume of targeted pages quickly, it’s crucial to ensure the generated content is high-quality, unique, and provides value to users. Therefore, human editing, with link and content additions, is crucial.

Poorly executed programmatic SEO with thin or duplicate content can lead to search engine penalties and a poor user experience.

Related: AI-Generated Content: Productivity Booster or Big Mistake