How Social Media Impacts Your SEO

Social media has evolved quite rapidly in the years it has been around. From BBS (Bulletin Board) to Friendster, Diaspora, Myspace and onto Facebook. But when we think of social media today, we arguably only have 3 or 4 large…Continue reading

Keyword Research Trends That Matter In 2017

Despite what you’ve been hearing, keyword research isn’t dead. Without keywords, there is no SEO… right? Let’s look at the facts. 93% of online experiences in 2016 started with a search, and search starts with words. Keywords will remain relevant…Continue reading

Comprehensive SEO Checklist for 2016

If you haven’t noticed, SEO has changed over the past months. Search engines constantly update their algorithms which often makes it difficult to keep track of the latest best practices. We’ll help you get started on implementing an effective strategy and getting…Continue reading

Google AMP: The Future of Mobile SEO?

Viewing sites on mobile can be quite exasperating. Users often deal with slow load times, difficult navigation and low ease of use. According to Google, 40% of users leave websites that take longer than 3 seconds to load, and an…Continue reading