Miscellaneous Site Verification

All in One SEO enables you to easily verify your site with the following sites:

However, there may be sites you want to verify with that aren't included in our Webmaster Tools Verification.

No worries! All in One SEO can help with our Miscellaneous Verification feature.

To start, go to General Settings in the All in One SEO menu and click on the Webmaster Tools tab.

General Settings in the All in One SEO menu

You should now see the Miscellaneous Verification field at the bottom of the Webmaster Tools Verification screen.

Miscellaneous Verification field on the Webmaster Tools Verification screen

You can enter HTML code in this field such as verification code you get from another site.

Get the HTML verification code from the site you're verifying with and paste it in the Miscellaneous Verification field and click Save Changes.

Here's an example of how this would look:

Verification code entered in the Miscellaneous Verification field

That's all! You can now complete the verification process for your site.