Setting Course Schema Markup in Your Content

Did you know that All in One SEO Pro lets you add Schema markup for courses?

This means that search engines can display rich snippets for your course like the example below.

Tutorial Video

Setting the Default Schema Type for all Courses

To set the default Schema Type for your courses, click on Search Appearance in the All in One SEO menu, then click on the Content Types tab.

Search Appearance menu item on All in One SEO menu

Scroll down to the section for your courses and click on the Schema Markup tab.

Now select Course in the Schema Type drop down and click the Save Changes button.

For more detail on this, please see our article on Configuring Schema Settings here.

Setting the Schema Type for Individual Courses

To set the Schema Type for individual content, edit your content and scroll down to the AIOSEO Settings section, then click on the Schema tab.

Now, click the Generate Schema button to open the Schema Generator.

You'll see the Schema Types that are available.

Click the Add Schema icon next to Course to add it.

You can now edit the schema information.

Once done, click the Add Schema button to add the schema to the post.

The Course schema has now been added to the post.

If you would like to edit any of the schema properties or delete the graph, click the Edit Schema or Delete Schema buttons in the graph card.

Configuring the Course-Specific Information

When you click on Course as the Schema Type for your content, you'll see a popup with additional fields where you can enter your course information.

Complete the fields as described below:

  • Name – Enter the name of your course. By default, this is set to your post title. You can also use Smart Tags to fill it in with your site information.
  • Description – Enter the description of your course. By default, this is set to your post content. You can also use Smart Tags to fill it in with your site information.
  • Publish Date – This is the date your course was published.
  • About – Add keywords related to the skills that will be developed by the lessons in the course.
  • Teaches – Add keywords related to the subjects or topics that will be learned in the course.
  • Prerequisites – Add any background knowledge that the student should have prior to taking the course. You can also add the URL to a course they can take before this.
  • Image – Add a picture that illustrates the course.

In the Course Provider section, you can set the following fields.

  • Name – Enter the name of the organization that runs this course.
  • URL – Enter the web address of the organization that runs this course.
  • Image – Enter the logo of the school or institution that provides the course.

You can leave all these fields blank if you have set an Organization in the Knowledge Graph settings and want to use that one.

In the Offers section, you can set multiple offers depending on the payment methods or plans you want to accept. The information to add is the following:

  • Pricing Category – You can select four modes: Paid, Subscription, Free, and Partially Free.
  • Price – Enter the price for your event. You can enter “0” if the course is free.
  • Currency – Select which currency your course price is in.

You can also add multiple offers if you wish to offer your course in different currencies or payment methods.

In the Course Instances section, you can add further details about the course. You can have multiple Course Instances per course if you want to give your users multiple ways to complete their lessons. Each field is as follows:

  • Mode – You can select three modes: Online, Onsite, or Blended.
  • Workload – This is the total time (in minutes) to watch all videos and complete all assignments and exams for the course.

In the Schedule subsection, the fields are the following:

  • Duration – The suggested pacing for how long the user can expect to spend in the units disclosed under the Repeat Frequency field. For example, if the Repeat Frequency is Monthly and the Duration is 5, the user should expect to spend 5 hours per month.
  • Repeat Count – The numerical value for how long the course lasts for. For example, if the Repeat Frequency is Monthly and the Repeat Count is 4, the course lasts for 4 months.
  • Repeat Frequency – You can select a value from Daily, Weekly, Montly, and Yearly.
  • Start Date – The start date for the course.
  • End Date – The end date for the course.

In the Instructor section, you can set the following fields.

  • Name – Enter the name of the instructor.
  • Description – Enter a small bio or career section of the teacher that runs this course.
  • Image – Upload a photograph of the teacher or instructor.

In the Reviews section, you can add reviews for your course. In a review, you can set the following:

  • Rating – The rating value for the review.
  • Headline – The headline for the review.
  • Content – The content or description for the review.
  • Author – The name of the review author.

In the Review Rating section, you can set the following:

  • Rating Minimum – Enter the minimum rating value.
  • Rating Maximum – Enter the maximum rating value.

Click on the Add Another Review link to add more reviews for your product.

Click the Delete button to delete a review.

In the Syllabus Sections, you can add information about the different modules contained in a course. In a Syllabus Section, you can set the following:

  • Name – The name of the course module, if applicable.
  • Description – A description of what the module is about.
  • Time Required – The duration of the module in minutes.

Once you've completed the fields, click the Add Schema button to save them.

You can also save this as a template which you can use on other courses by clicking the Save Schema as Template button.

You can learn about Schema Templates here.

Additional Information

Check out more documentation on our Schema Settings here.