Setting the Schema Type for Individual Content

Following on from our article about Configuring the Schema Settings in All in One SEO, this article shows you how to override the default Schema Types on individual content.

The instructions in this article apply to Posts, Pages, and any Custom Post Types.

To get started, edit your content and scroll down to the AIOSEO Settings section, then click on the Schema tab.

Click the Generate Schema button to see the Schema Types that are available.

Click the Add Schema icon to apply it to your content.

Add Schema icon shown on the Schema Generator popup

You can add multiple Schema Types to your content.

Click the Edit icon to configure that Schema Type.

Edit Schema icon shown on the Schema tab in the AIOSEO Settings section

Click the Delete icon next to a Schema Type to remove it.

Delete Schema icon shown on the Schema tab in the AIOSEO Settings section

That’s all! You’ve now set the Schema Types for an individual item of content.

Check out more documentation on our Schema Settings here.