SEO for Beginners: a Simple WordPress Guide

When you start on your digital journey, it’s essential to understand SEO for beginners. Learning SEO may seem daunting, but with the right resources, it’s easier than you think. Our guide is aimed at those using WordPress, one of the…Continue reading

Word Count for SEO: Does it Really Matter?

Wondering if there’s an optimal word count for SEO? Do longer articles rank better than shorter ones? Lots of marketers claim that articles need to be long in order to rank. And many promote “ideal” word counts. In this article,…Continue reading

How to Create Cornerstone Content In WordPress

Would you like to know how to create cornerstone content in WordPress? Creating cornerstone content is a great way to build topical authority and showcase your expertise. It’s also a great way to improve your site’s crawlability and indexing. In…Continue reading