

  • Error when calculating shipping for WooCommerce Product schema.

Version 4.6.7


  • Added a new notice in the admin bar for when the site is noindexed, improving visibility for users.
  • Added review & rating support to Recipe schema.
  • Organization schema employee range now has a minimum value of 0.


  • Data filled into Add New Redirect section no longer cleared when switching tabs.
  • Yoast Duplicate Post now correctly carries over SEO meta when published a scheduled republished post.
  • Chinese and Unicode special characters encoding issue for Additional Sitemap Pages.
  • Google Search Console verification code still output in source code not removed after disconnecting from Google Search Console.
  • Javascript console error after disconnecting Google Search Console.
  • Shipping Schema changing the Country field value in User Profile when updating a WooCommerce Product.
  • Added scroll functionality for Schema Generator template list.
  • Plugin conflict with the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Plugin conflict with 3D Flipbook plugin related to Primary Category.
  • Removed ‘Cornerstone Content’ field from SEO revisions for attachment pages.
  • Title and alt field columns not showing up in the media gallery for webp images.
  • Various styling fixes for our Extra theme & Divi page builder integrations.
  • Changing the Primary Term value did not trigger the generation of a new SEO Revision.
  • Chrome and Firefox converted URLs with Unicode characters to encoded form in AIOSEO.
  • Link Assistant would sometimes break block attributes when inserting a link if they used single quotes.
  • Robots.txt rule overlap when there are two identical user agents.
  • EEAT author bio field editor would sometimes not render when switching between tabs.
  • Error in post schema when FAQ has no question.
  • Error caused by a redirect duplicated rule.

Version 4.6.6


  • Integrations with SiteOrigin and Thrive Architect – Control your SEO and optimize your content directly from the SiteOrigin and Thrive Architect visual page builders.


  • Editor component to fix usage of deprecated DOMNodeInserted events.

Version 4.6.5


  • Preloaded the redirect suggestion modal when a post is moved to the trash, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • The word “step” has been added to the list of exceptions for consecutive sentences in TruSEO.
  • Deprecated the enable breadcrumbs toggle setting.
  • Changed all instances of “Twitter” to “X”.
  • Declaration for AIOSEO and its addons to follow the Consent API, resolving incompatibility with the WP Consent API plugin and Compliance recommendation on the Site Health screen.


  • Reanalyzing a competitor site now opens the correct site based on its position in the list.
  • Redirects modal did not close when clicking outside in the Post Editor.
  • Redirects source URL could not be left empty.
  • Console log error in user profile Author SEO tab.
  • Breadcrumbs block not properly displaying when a dollar sign is used.
  • License required alert for multisite network activations has been updated to reflect the correct license plan requirement for the Domain Activations feature.
  • RSS sitemap style sheet now correctly says it is an RSS sitemap instead of an XML one.
  • Index Status request fired off for non-licensed users.
  • TruSEO “No alt attribute” check was not showing any data after expanding the check.
  • Minor styling issues in the SERP Preview.
  • Legacy Keywords feature now correctly generates a new SEO revision when updated.
  • Prevent Avada from outputting social meta tags.
  • Non-admin users are no longer able to accidentally reset the license key.
  • Plugin conflict with Recipe Blocks plugin.
  • CSV sample file downloads now work again in Firefox.
  • Crawl Cleanup table install error when using the MyISAM database engine.
  • Schema template would sometimes not save correctly.

Version 4.6.4


  • Alongside this release the AIOSEO team is proud to announce the launch of SEOBoost! SEOBoost helps you optimize your content using the power of AI and build a content strategy that simply works!
  • Added support for Course Info schema and integrated it with various membership plugins including MemberPress, MemberMouse and Wishlist Member.


  • Organization schema has been updated to Google’s latest specifications. Various new fields have been added, including Organization Description, E-mail Address, Address, Founding Date and Number of Employees.
  • Website Name, Organization Name and Organization Description fields now support smart tags.
  • Schema graphs from AIOSEO blocks are now visible in the graph overview and schema validator. Click the icon in their card to highlight them in the Block Editor.
  • Added support for the valueAddedTaxIncluded field to autogenerated WooCommerce Product schema.
  • Added support for delivery times to generic Product schema.
  • Schema validator now regenerates the schema preview more frequently to provide more accurate results.
  • Increased height of Schema Generator modal in Block Editor.


  • SEO Preview no longer sends an absurd amount of requests to REST API to get the schema output.
  • Saved templates not showing their graph subtype (if applicable) in the schema templates overview.
  • Label of phone number input fields no longer turns green when phone number is valid.

Version 4.6.3


  • New filters have been added to adjust the number of posts per action during the import process from other SEO plugins.
  • Added a filter to whitelist user IDs for the Author SEO tab in user profile settings for users without post editing permissions.
  • OpenAI support for Project API keys.
  • Improved scanning for Sitemaps to prevent race conditions.


  • AIOSEO addons can now be activated on subsites even when the license key was activated on a network level.
  • Local SEO information not showing up on Validate Schema feature.
  • SERP Preview breadcrumbs were not displaying correctly if the trail was too large.
  • “Free” label was missing for zero-priced products in rich snippets on SEO/SERP Preview.
  • Primary term and SEO Preview conflict with the plugin Perfect Brands for WooCommerce.
  • Redirect’s custom rule tooltip UI when testing a redirect.
  • Redirects now allow importing 4xx and 5xx types via the JSON importer.
  • Posts from the REST API posts were returning the same canonical URL due to internal caching.
  • Sitemap URL count and Last updated date when the sitemap URL has a query string.
  • Fixed Divi page builder conflict.
  • Deleting a redirect now instantly clears the redirect cache.
  • Link Assistant UI would sometimes not work with orphaned posts.
  • Scheduled Posts now display the appropriate Published Date in the Sitemap instead of the Scheduled Date.
  • Export Settings API route was missing.

Version 4.6.2


  • Automatic Site Verification & Sitemap Submission to Google Search Console – You can now automatically verify & connect your site with Google Search Console and submit your sitemaps in just a few clicks!


  • Plugin conflict with Divi addon modules that sometimes causes a fatal error when editing a post.



  • Conflict with MonsterInsights Dimensions addon.

Version 4.6.1


  • Optimized redirect & 404 logs for improved performance.
  • TruSEO Score no longer calculated for ineligible pages like the WooCommerce’s account, cart and checkout pages.
  • SERP Preview now favours using the Knowledge Graph Website Name instead of the site hostname.
  • New Local SEO Business Info block fax icon.
  • Added WordPress as a new option to our list of supported social profiles under Social Networks and the user profile settings.
  • Security hardening for all smart tag fields and the HTML Sitemap shortcode.


  • Various multisite licensing issues, including the removal of conflicting plugin notices on subsites and immediate license status updates across the network.
  • Missing “Featured Image” option in social settings for page builders.
  • Default image for social posts not correctly displayed if no image URL is provided.
  • Rare issue where Google throws errors related to the sitelinks schema when the “Russian” version of the page served for Yandex gets cached.
  • Post Index Status not revalidated if the post is noindexed or has no valid results.
  • Refactored permalink generation in Localization.php to use get_term_link for terms.
  • Access Control now correctly loads roles after all plugins are fully loaded to prevent errors from undefined WP functions.
  • Redirects CSV sample file not downloading correctly when using Mozilla Firefox.
  • Console error caused by adding a question mark to the source or target URL in a redirect.
  • Plugin conflict with AMP plugins.

Version 4.6.0


  • Redirects Integration with Broken Link Checker – If you’re using both AIOSEO Redirects and BLC, you can now easily add redirects for any of your (broken) links inside the links report.


  • Compatibility with Broken Link Checker 1.2.0 and AIOSEO Redirects 1.3.9.


  • Localized a number of strings that previously could not correctly be translated.