Version 4.1.9


  • Track how users interact with your website via Microsoft Clarity and gain valuable insights through heatmaps and sessions recordings.
  • Our brand-new REST API addon allows developers to fetch our SEO data via the WordPress REST API and use it on their headless site.


  • Link Assistant’s performance has been improved and is now able to scan your site for suggestions significantly faster than before.
  • AIOSEO now displays a solutions page if a JavaScript error occurred or if the browser has been set to block JavaScript from running.
  • Improved the look and feel of the phone number fields.
  • Links in block previews no longer open a new page.
  • Added support for autogenerated title/alt tag attributes for images in the SeedProd Page Builder.
  • Improved RTL styles.


  • Special regex characters are no longer stripped from the value of the Taxonomy Title smart tag.
  • tagDiv Opt-in Builder no longer causes AIOSEO’s menu pages to crash.
  • Headline Analyzer no longer causes errors in Block Editor for WordPress Core versions below 5.2.
  • Taxonomy related smart tags sometimes not returning the correct value.
  • Canonical URL for homepage no longer includes query arguments.
  • Canonical URL for homepage of multisite installs with subdirectories no longer includes base path twice.
  • Previous/next links no longer include query arguments.
  • Page number smart tag now returns the correct page number on paginated comment pages.
  • Static homepage now correctly outputs custom schema graphs.
  • Pagination buttons of table component sometimes not vertically aligned.
  • AIOSEO menu not working for Elementor Template posts.
  • Link counts from Link Assistant are no longer shown in AIOSEO Details column for media attachments.
  • Link Assistant tab in the metabox now correctly displays for new posts.
  • “View Post” link for Inbound Internal links now refers to the right page.
  • “All Categories” filter in Links Report no longer triggers a PHP error.
  • Orphaned link suggestions are now correctly removed when their source/target post is deleted.
  • URL in anchor tooltip for Inbound Suggestions now refers to the right page.
  • Keywords from Yoast SEO sometimes not imported correctly.
  • Sitemap indexes now correctly use the deprecated custom filename again.

Version 4.1.8


  • Manage redirects directly from any post/page to temporarily redirect to another post/page.
  • Prevent updating the modified date on a page or post when making changes that you don’t need search engines to re-index.


  • Image sitemap now includes images from Divi.
  • Smart tags now add a space in front of them if there isn’t one yet.
  • Post editor social tab now displays an alert when Facebook/Twitter is disabled in the settings.
  • Additional link format options no longer displayed for ACF link fields since they aren’t supported there.
  • Added aioseo_multisite_subdomain filter to allow users to indicate which type of configuration their multisite uses.
  • Disabling “Show in Search Results” option sets robots meta back to default settings if no other robots settings were previously changed.
  • Removed QAPage graph in favour of FAQPage graph.
  • Updated score description for the SEO Analyzer to better reflect SEO recommendations.


  • Facebook/Twitter previews now always display the right image for the active image source.
  • Link Format styles have been readded after they were removed in WP 5.9.
  • Local SEO metabox missing some styles.
  • Canonical URL of the latest post sometimes used for the homepage.
  • Canonical URL and OG:URL missing from attachment pages.
  • Custom canonical URL no longer alters the schema of the OG:URL.
  • Headline Analyzer sometimes not correctly identifying some uncommon words, power words, etc.
  • Image sitemap now includes the correct amount of images if the post content contains an invalid post gallery shortcode.
  • Image sitemap scan sometimes interferes with the V3 post meta migration.
  • Miscellaneous Webmaster Verification field is now trimmed before being output into the HEAD, preventing blank spaces.
  • PHP error after deleting a post from a post type that does not support trashing.
  • SEO Title field no longer has extra trailing spaces.
  • Meta Description field no longer has an extra trailing new line.
  • TruSEO now runs correctly if the visual editor in the Classic Editor is disabled.
  • Sitemap Priority/Frequency dropdowns now correctly display in the sidebar.

Version 4.1.7


  • AIOSEO now integrates with the Elementor, Divi and SeedProd page builders.
  • IndexNow integration to instantly notify Bing and Yandex of content changes on your site and increase your SEO rankings.


  • LinkedIn Showcase Pages URLs are now considered as valid URLs for the LinkedIn social profile.
  • Sitemap image scan filter hook now also passes post object to callback functions.


  • Themes can no longer append a “Read More” string to the meta description if it is generated based on the post content/post excerpt.
  • TruSEO no longer checks if the Focus Keyphrase is included in the URL of the static homepage.
  • Duplicate tags are no longer converted to strings in breadcrumb template preview.
  • Robots.txt no longer includes duplicate sitemap URLs if another plugin tries to serve a sitemap on the same URL.
  • Blocks of the same type no longer share the same settings in the Block Editor.
  • Publish Panel Tips does not update TruSEO score when Focus Keyphrase is deleted.
  • RSS content author smart tags now use the correct author in the static blog page feed.
  • Replace unicode with UTF-8 characters in TruSEO word lists.
  • Non-admin users in AIOSEO Lite sometimes cannot access REST API routes.



  • Support for ThirstyAffiliates and external affiliate links.
  • New: Support for links/suggestions in inner blocks in the block editor.


  • Improved database performance for inserting links and suggestions.


  • Internal links considered external on sites running on www.
  • Link Assistant tab in metabox sometimes not rendering in the Classic Editor.
  • Pagination breaking when navigating between tabs.
  • Dashboard loading slowly when cache is busted.
  • Cached OG image sometimes output instead of the cached Twitter image.



  • Link Assistant now refreshes all menus when the settings are saved.


  • Permissions for users with custom roles for the AIOSEO REST API.
  • Relative URLs for the OG:image are now made absolute again before output.
  • Removing a custom separator wasn’t correctly reflected in the preview.
  • Long permalinks in the social preview sometimes overflowed their container.
  • PHP notice from breadcrumb trail if it contains special unescaped characters.
  • Yoast Duplicate Post no longer duplicating AIOSEO meta data when cloning a post.
  • SEO Analyzer didn’t add a trailing slash to the analyzed URL when the permalink structure should have one.
  • Link phrase sometimes not highlighted in the context paragraph when it contains special characters like parentheses.
  • Link Suggestions tab incorrectly defaulting to the Outbound Suggestions (instead of the Inbound Suggestions) in the metabox.
  • Missing RTL stylesheets.

Version 4.1.6


  • Our brand-new Link Assistant helps you super-charge your SEO! Get relevant suggestions for adding internal links to older content as well as finding any orphaned posts that have no internal links. Use our reporting feature to see all link suggestions or add them directly from any page or post.
  • Standalone Headline Analyzer page in the SEO Analysis menu.
  • Show update messages for addons that are out of sync with the main plugin.


  • Open Graph/Twitter image is now cached (when possible) to improve performance.
  • Calls to attachmentUrlToPostId() are now cached to improve performance.
  • Semrush integration now displays an alert when usage limit is reached.
  • TruSEO now supports accent marks for various languages.
  • TruSEO now ignores special characters in the URL.
  • TruSEO now detects internal links better.
  • Various database performance updates, most notably reducing duplicate queries and caching updates.
  • Removed deprecated twitter:domain tag.
  • PageSpeed Insights link in SEO Toolbar now refers to Google’s new platform.
  • Reordered display options for Local SEO/Breadcrumbs/HTML Sitemap to keep them consistent.
  • Increased maximum height for General/Social modals in the Edit Post screen for a better UX on large screens.


  • Access Control sometimes fails when user role alphabetically comes after AIOSEO roles.
  • Non-critical notifications are now hidden when announcements are disabled.
  • Incorrect Last Modified timestamp for all entries after the static sitemap entry.
  • Conflict with Jetpack Boost plugin which rendered AIOSEO sitemaps inaccessible.
  • PHP error in WordPress 4.9 due to undefined do_blocks() function call.
  • PHP notice when importing SEO settings from other plugins if static homepage option is selected under Reading but no static homepage is set.
  • PHP notice when visiting a non-existing rss feed page.
  • Conflict with User Role Editor plugin where capabilities couldn’t be saved.
  • Sitemap links per index can no longer be set to a negative number.
  • Recipe schema now allows cooking time of 0 minutes.
  • WooCommerce Product schema price now also takes taxes into account.
  • HTML Sitemap no longer displays irrelevant options when Compact Archives setting is enabled.
  • HTML Sitemap now shows a message when no posts/terms could be found.
  • Schema tab is now visible again when editing WooCommerce Terms of Service page.



  • Security hardening for REST API endpoints



  • Conflicts with third-party plugins that may cause shortcodes to fail parsing



  • Occasional race condition while trying to set Facebook Custom Image in a post
  • RSS Sitemap returning a 404 when there are entries

Version 4.1.5


  • Various sitemap enhancements
  • Custom 404 page for sitemaps when no posts/pages are included
  • OG data is now output on CPT archive pages
  • Redirects has a new user capability for managing settings
  • Flyout menu to provide helpful links and documentation


  • Refactored caching for efficiency and reliability
  • Action scheduler now cleans itself up to keep table usage low
  • Social network image can now parse images from page builders
  • Display of breadcrumbs block to include preview


  • TruSEO performance issues when scanning base64 encoded images
  • Invalid default post meta
  • Rest API redirects when trailing slash is in use
  • WPML urls in the sitemap occasionally resolving to 404
  • Conflict with bbPress where admin menu items would disappear
  • Conflict with Unlimted Member plugin where WP roles were reset
  • Lodash conflict in classic editor
  • Site crashing when activating 4.x when 3.x is currently active
  • Incorrect default robots settings for taxonomy terms
  • Loading of SEO menu CSS when admin menu bar is disabled
  • Semrush integration occasionally unable to refresh access tokens
  • Author smart tags throwing errors when themes or plugins alter the current queried object
  • HTML Sitemap widget containing duplicate IDs on checkboxes
  • Headline Analyzer appearing when users don’t have the proper capability
  • V3 migration showing #description after migrating
  • Console errors when other plugins override the wp global JS object
  • Default settings for Access Control on the SEO Manager role
  • Setup Wizard conflicts with third-party plugins
  • TruSEO JS console errors