

  • Classic Editor sometimes freezes up due to conflict with new emoji script in WordPress 6.2.

Version 4.3.4


  • Our SEO data is now carried over when a post is duplicated for rewriting/republishing via the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin.
  • Added a menu item for Search Statistics under the Dashboard menu.
  • Improved PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • Better prevent caching conflicts between IndexNow addon and WP Fastest Cache.


  • RSS sitemap stylesheet not displaying the publication date anymore.
  • Search Statistics is now able to link the static homepage to the right statistics data after a new static homepage has been set.
  • Harmless sporadic developer console error when the Emoji Picker is opened.

Version 4.3.3


  • AI Title/Description Generator now supports the new ChatGPT 3.5 AI model.
  • Added a filter hook that allows users to control the flags that are used to encode our JSON schema.


  • Search statistics object scan sometimes duplicated and running for non-elite users.
  • Image SEO strip punctuation rules being applied to the filenames of files other than images.
  • UI issue where an extra border was shown on Search Statistics card footer.
  • Search Statistics no longer displays difference if there’s no data to compare with.
  • Post/term data not saved correctly when MySQL mode is set to NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO.
  • Redirects, logs and 404 logs now refresh properly after activating/updating the redirects addon.
  • Missing Local Business block styles when editing a post.



  • Meta description field in the post editor metabox sometimes blurs on input.

Version 4.3.2


  • AI Title/Description Generator – Generate engaging SEO title and meta description suggestions via OpenAI. 🤖


  • Numerous plugin/theme conflicts that break navigation menu in AIOSEO screens.
  • Plugin conflict with Gravity Forms where both plugins are output buffering at the same time.
  • “Add Link” button of Classic Editor link format sometimes not visible on smaller screens.
  • PHP error when using WooCommerce’s Product REST API endpoint and PHP 8.0 or higher.
  • Database error when installing/activating AIOSEO for the first time via an AJAX request.
  • PHP notice when navigating directly to the sitemap stylesheet.
  • Translations for SEO preview on frontend are now loaded correctly.
  • Redirect option icons no longer shrink when adding multiple source URLs.



  • PHP error due to conflicts where other plugins/themes do not apply the the_title filter hook correctly.

Version 4.3.1


  • Added support for importing redirects from Rank Math.
  • New: Added support for LearnPress lessons.
  • New: Added support for the JWT (Json Web Token) plugin to the REST API addon.


  • Improved compatibility between SEO Preview in the frontend admin bar and various themes/plugins.


  • Full Site Editor sometimes did not correctly load while AIOSEO is active.
  • 404 parent redirects now work correctly when trash monitor is enabled.
  • Redirects with query strings and custom rules now work correctly when Server Redirects are enabled.
  • Redirects are now fully compatible with URLs that don’t use the Latin alphabet.
  • Log dates for redirects and 404’s now use the correct timezone.
  • Redirects modal is now displayed correctly on smaller screens.
  • Emoji picker now correctly displays in modal windows.
  • Upload button for Additional Pages CSV now correctly prompts the user to select a file.
  • Facebook preview date is now correctly displayed.
  • Product schema incorrectly trigging WooCommerce add_to_cart event in MonsterInsights eCommerce addon.
  • Breadcrumb schema trail is no longer duplicated for a static homepage.
  • SEO Preview sometimes would not work due to missing post type labels.
  • Editing a link in the Block Editor now correctly displays AIOSEO’s options for all WP versions.
  • Focus Keyphrases that contain special characters are now correctly analyzed.
  • Adding a Focus Keyphrase in the Divi visual builder no longer closes the modal.
  • Table of Contents block now correctly supports editing nested headings.
  • PrePublish Panel now correctly opens the tab where you can fix the relevant issue again.
  • Social Preview correctly updates when “Use Facebook Data” setting is enabled.
  • Conflict with Site Kit by Google plugin that triggered a PHP notice.
  • Local Business blocks sometimes missing styles on the frontend.

Version 4.3.0


  • Google Search Console Integration – Connect your site with Google Search Console to track how your site is performing in search results and generate reports with actionable insights.


  • Improved PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • Additional security hardening.


  • Link Assistant suggestions scan is now automatically reset when it gets stuck in a loop.
  • PHP notice in rare cases when context data isn’t set for the schema generator.

Version 4.2.9


  • You can now add redirects for draft posts, which will be activated as soon as the posts are published.


  • Added orderby as a default WooCommerce query arg exception to Crawl Cleanup.
  • Rich Results Test in the admin menu now uses Google’s new structured data validation tool.


  • Article schema now correctly also includes its Author schema if the graph is set as the default for the post.
  • WebPage schema now includes the creator/author in the right format.
  • Schema Validator now correctly includes FAQ schema if an FAQ graph has been added to the post.
  • Emoji picker should now always open correctly on the first click.
  • Breadcrumbs trail sometimes containing encoded characters on search archive pages.
  • Post Report in Link Assistant sometimes showed a blank page rather than actual results.
  • Links table now correctly refreshes after adding a link suggestion in the Block Editor/Classic Editor.
  • Image SEO now correctly applies casing/punctuation settings when title/alt tag/caption/description does not contain a smart tag.
  • Image SEO no longer incorrectly encodes quotation marks in the image caption/description.
  • Redirects can now include consecutive space characters.
  • Redirects modal is now correctly styled and padded in Elementor.
  • PHP notice when ACF image field returns a previously unexpected value format.
  • Removed smart tags delete button while searching for a smart tag.
  • Model close button is now visible again when using Elementor’s dark mode.
  • Resolved a few deprecation console warnings for the Link Format in the Block Editor.
  • aioseo_canonical_hook running consecutive times.

Version 4.2.8


  • Frontend SEO Preview – You can now preview the Google search snippet, Facebook/Twitter social snippet and inspect meta tags on the frontend via the admin bar! 🚀
  • Added support for updating AIOSEO and addons via WP CLI.
  • Added a new dedicated SEO News widget for the dashboard.


  • Better image handling for the Facebook/Twitter social snippet preview.
  • AIOSEO Modals can now be closed using the Escape key.
  • Added a filter hook to remove the last modified date in the root sitemap index.
  • Added a tooltip to all post types/taxonomies in the Search Appearance setting for easier identification.
  • ACF custom fields are now correctly used as post content for the autogenerated description.
  • Redirects now support WPML’s URLs when the site is using subdirectories for the different locales.
  • Removed redundant keyphrase related strings that were being saved to the database.


  • Social URLs sometimes not output in the Knowledge Graph/Author schema.
  • Dashboard Overview widget no longer includes post types that don’t support TruSEO.
  • IndexNow API key not displayed after saving and refreshing.
  • Image SEO now correctly parses smart tags in the image caption/description if Autogenerate on Upload is disabled.
  • Image SEO no longer outputs a figcaption tag if there’s no caption.
  • Image SEO not parsing smart tags in the caption in the Classic Editor.
  • Links in Block Editor post content sometimes could not be removed.
  • XML sitemap stylesheet not displaying the correct image count.
  • Posts with multiple keyphrases are now correctly imported from RankMath and SEOPress.
  • Prevented an error when breadcrumbs were generated before all the required information was loaded.
  • PHP notice for posts with Product schema when WooCommerce has no shipping methods.
  • PHP notice when using the Extra theme.
  • License key warning on plugins page if multisite but not network activated.
  • HTML Sitemap better hierarchical post type handling.