Usage Tracking

Usage tracking for AIOSEO helps us better understand our users and their website needs by looking at a range of server and website environments.This allows us to continuously improve our product as well as our Q&A / testing process. Below is…Continue reading

How do I use All in One SEO in my language?

All in One SEO is one of the most translated plugins of all time.  It’s been translated into more than 54 languages.  You can find the translation status of any language on here. Once a language reaches 90% translated,…Continue reading

NGINX rewrite rules for Robots.txt

All in One SEO no longer generates its own robots.txt as a dynamic page. Instead, it uses the robots_txt filter in WordPress to tap into the default robots.txt created by WordPress. This means that rewrite rules are no longer needed…Continue reading

Supported PHP Versions for All in One SEO

If you were linked to this page from your WordPress dashboard, then it means that you’re running an outdated version of PHP. PHP is the programming language that WordPress and All in One SEO are built on. The version that…Continue reading