HTTPS will not only be an important ranking factor in the future for search machines, but also required for both existing and new WordPress installations.

WordPress Will Require Users to Have HTTPS This Year

WordPress founder, Matt Mullenweg, recently announced that the software will require all hosts to have HTTPS for certain WordPress features to function. Don’t panic just yet. If you already have HTTPS, this shouldn’t affect you. But if you’re still using HTTP, you’ll need…Continue reading

Research has shown that email marketing is still much more effective than compared to social media advertising. Let's dive into the basics!

How to Build an Email List in WordPress

How many of you have prioritized pageviews over email marketing? We all have at some point. After all, pageviews equals more ad revenue…right? Well, having a good email list is more valuable and can bring in more pageviews than you…Continue reading

Is your WordPress database a mess, or perhaps even slowing down your site? In a few easy steps, we explain you how to get rid of all clutter using queries.

9 Steps to Clean Your WordPress Database

Is your WordPress database a mess? Have you been complaining about it since time immemorial? Well, then your WordPress site might be as bloated as you were after that marvelous Thanksgiving dinner at your mom’s. If your site has been…Continue reading

Keyword research definitely isn't dead, only the trends have changed. Find out how Google voice queries, long-tail keywords and user intent are key to your SEO strategy in 2017.

Keyword Research Trends That Matter In 2017

Despite what you’ve been hearing, keyword research isn’t dead. Without keywords, there is no SEO… right? Let’s look at the facts. 93% of online experiences in 2016 started with a search, and search starts with words. Keywords will remain relevant…Continue reading

Excluding the XML Sitemap from caching

Many people utilize caching of some type to speed up their website.  Caching can be done at the server level by your hosting provider or at the WordPress level using a caching or performance plugin. However, some files should never…Continue reading

Happy 9th Thank a Plugin Developer Day!

Happy 9th Plugin developer Day! Looking back, it’s been a wild ride. 9 years ago yesterday All in One SEO Pack hit 1 million downloads. Since then we’ve blown that away with over 30 million downloads, and the launch of All…Continue reading