Broken links, also known as dead links, are hyperlinks on a webpage that no longer lead to the intended destination.

Some common causes of broken links include:

  • The linked webpage or resource has been moved, renamed, or deleted
  • The URL has been typed incorrectly or contains errors
  • The website hosting the linked content is temporarily or permanently unavailable
  • Changes in the website's structure or CMS have affected the link paths
  • The linked external website has changed its domain name or gone offline
  • The link points to a non-existent internal page or resource
  • Failure to update links after a website migration or redesign
  • Linking to third-party resources that have been removed or changed
  • Using outdated or unsupported link formats or protocols
  • Accidentally using relative instead of absolute URLs or vice versa.

Site managers can use software tools called broken link checkers to find and fix these links.
