Version 4.1.5


  • Various sitemap enhancements
  • Custom 404 page for sitemaps when no posts/pages are included
  • OG data is now output on CPT archive pages
  • Redirects has a new user capability for managing settings
  • Flyout menu to provide helpful links and documentation


  • Refactored caching for efficiency and reliability
  • Action scheduler now cleans itself up to keep table usage low
  • Social network image can now parse images from page builders
  • Display of breadcrumbs block to include preview


  • TruSEO performance issues when scanning base64 encoded images
  • Invalid default post meta
  • Rest API redirects when trailing slash is in use
  • WPML urls in the sitemap occasionally resolving to 404
  • Conflict with bbPress where admin menu items would disappear
  • Conflict with Unlimted Member plugin where WP roles were reset
  • Lodash conflict in classic editor
  • Site crashing when activating 4.x when 3.x is currently active
  • Incorrect default robots settings for taxonomy terms
  • Loading of SEO menu CSS when admin menu bar is disabled
  • Semrush integration occasionally unable to refresh access tokens
  • Author smart tags throwing errors when themes or plugins alter the current queried object
  • HTML Sitemap widget containing duplicate IDs on checkboxes
  • Headline Analyzer appearing when users don’t have the proper capability
  • V3 migration showing #description after migrating
  • Console errors when other plugins override the wp global JS object
  • Default settings for Access Control on the SEO Manager role
  • Setup Wizard conflicts with third-party plugins
  • TruSEO JS console errors



  • PHP notice when importing static homepage SEO data from other plugins.
  • PHP notice after upgrading from AIOSEO Lite to AIOSEO Pro.



  • Some settings not carried over correctly in niche cases.



  • Console error after loading the Classic Editor because of a conflict with Lodash.
  • PHP error in WordPress Core 4.9 because of a call to a function that was introduced in WordPress Core 5.0.
  • PHP error on upgrading from AIOSEO Lite to AIOSEO Pro.
  • Post/term data not always saving correctly.



  • Slower load time when HTML Sitemap dedicated page is enabled.

Version 4.1.4


  • Added support for Google Maps embeds in our Local Business addon. Embed maps directly on your location pages to allow your customers to easily find your location with driving directions and reviews.
  • AIOSEO now displays an overview of your posts’ most critical SEO settings before they are published and enables you to easily share them on social media (Block Editor only).
  • Added the ability to fully customize redirects from the 404 Log.
  • Added support for importing SEO settings and data from SEOPress.
  • Added support for WooCommerce’s product duplication.


  • Various improvements for the Yoast SEO importer.
  • Updated SearchAction schema (Google Sitelinks) based on new specifications.
  • WebPage/Article graphs and child graphs now include the language of the page.
  • Rating range for Review schema is now restricted to min 1 – max 5.
  • Removed WooCommerce Customer role from Access Control by default. Can be re-added by using a filter hook.
  • Optimized all images in the plugin, resulting in a large plugin size decrease.
  • AIOSEO is now able to detect local alt text added to images via the Image Block.


  • WooCommerce product sitemap indexes are now paginated correctly and always contain the right amount of URLs when the site has hidden products.
  • .htaccess File Editor no longer encodes special characters when writing to the file.
  • WebPage schema now references the correct Person graph as the author of the page.
  • Setup Wizard now correctly saves homepage title/description when using a static homepage.
  • Static homepage now uses Website as default Open Graph object type.
  • Support for MySQL servers that have ANSI_QUOTES SQL enabled.
  • JWT Auth plugin no longer blocks AIOSEO from accessing the REST API.
  • Headline Analyzer no longer throws a 404 error in the console when a new post without a title is created.
  • Sitemap no longer adds a trailing slash to the homepage URL if the permalink structure does not have one.
  • PHP errors when checking if the current request is from the REST API.
  • AIOSEO no longer tries to build BreadcrumbList graph if no breadcrumbs were found.
  • Styling issues when opening modals in the Block Editor.



  • Additional permissions related issues for Authors and Contributors.



  • AIOSEO Details column not appearing for Editor and other non-admin roles.



  • Added caching to Access Control and the options to improve performance.


  • HTML Sitemap widget options not always saving correctly.
  • Links not appearing under Quick Links cards in the Dashboard.

Version 4.1.3


  • HTML sitemap using blocks, widgets or shortcodes.


  • Added support for custom roles to Access Control, along with various other improvements and bug fixes.
  • WooCommerce Cart, Checkout and Cart pages are now noindexed by default by AIOSEO for new users.
  • Image Sitemap now includes external URLs.
  • Posts/terms can now also be excluded from the sitemap by ID/slug.
  • Added a filter hook to exclude posts from the sitemap by ID.
  • Added various filter hooks to control the output of our visual breadcrumbs.
  • Added a filter hook to filter the output of our JSON schema.
  • Additional compatibility with third-party multi-lingual plugins.
  • URLs for Opening Hours now use the HTTPS instead of the HTTP protocol.
  • Reordered currencies list so most traded currencies appear on top; others appear in alphabetical order.
  • Restoring/deleting a backup now first opens a modal that asks for confirmation.


  • AggregateRating is now output for WooCommerce Products with new reviews disabled if they already have existing reviews.
  • Added a line break underneath our robots.txt content to prevent conflicts with other plugins that filter the robots.txt file.
  • Image Sitemap now includes large downscaled images.
  • Social Network settings can now be exported.