Baidu Webmaster Tools Verification

If you haven’t heard of Baidu before, then now is a good time to look into it. Baidu is China’s leading search engine with a staggering local market share of 66.25% (March 2019). It is also the second largest search…Continue reading

How to Create a Video Sitemap

Do you want to submit videos in your content to search engines so they show up in video search results? All in One SEO makes this really easy. In fact, if you have the Pro plan or above for All…Continue reading

Miscellaneous Site Verification

All in One SEO enables you to easily verify your site with the following sites: Google Search Console Bing Webmaster Tools Yandex Webmaster Tools Baidu Webmaster Tools Pinterest However, there may be sites you want to verify with that aren’t…Continue reading

RSS Sitemap tab in Sitemaps menu in All in One SEO

How to Create an RSS Sitemap

By default, All in One SEO creates two sitemaps. The first is an XML Sitemap which you can learn about in our guide to XML Sitemaps. The second is an RSS Sitemap. In This Article Tutorial Video What is an…Continue reading

Setting a Title Separator

All in One SEO enables you to control the character used as a separator in your SEO titles and elsewhere within the plugin. This is important because search engines such as Google want you to include your brand name or…Continue reading