How do I use your API code examples?

All in One SEO has a very extensive API which can be used to make changes in the plugin when there’s no setting. In our API documentation you’ll see snippets of code that provide examples of how to use the…Continue reading

Looking for some great ideas to produce new content? Here are a few tips to get you started.

How to Come up with Great Content Ideas

Do you spend hours staring at a blank computer screen or piece of paper, desperately racking your brain for just one great content idea? Well, the sad reality is that you cannot afford to wait for inspiration to strike: your readers…Continue reading

Even though there is no direct link between social media marketing and SEO, it does have a major influence on the latter. Get one step ahead of the competition!

How Social Media Impacts Your SEO

Social media has evolved quite rapidly in the years it has been around. From BBS (Bulletin Board) to Friendster, Diaspora, Myspace and onto Facebook. But when we think of social media today, we arguably only have 3 or 4 large…Continue reading

Excluding the XML Sitemap from caching

Many people utilize caching of some type to speed up their website.  Caching can be done at the server level by your hosting provider or at the WordPress level using a caching or performance plugin. However, some files should never…Continue reading

Happy 9th Thank a Plugin Developer Day!

Happy 9th Plugin developer Day! Looking back, it’s been a wild ride. 9 years ago yesterday All in One SEO Pack hit 1 million downloads. Since then we’ve blown that away with over 30 million downloads, and the launch of All…Continue reading