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How a Fine Jewelry eCommerce Grew Traffic by 1,388% YoY
SEO case study of Melanie Casey.


17.1K to 254.4K Monthly Visits


Ecommerce & Retail



Reporting Date

January 2024

Independent artisans face an uphill battle for recognition in the diamond jewelry industry, where giants like Bulgari, Cartier, and Tiffany & Co. dominate.

Yet, amidst this daunting reality, stories of small business success emerge.

Meet Melanie Casey, a handcrafted fine jewelry brand that recently celebrated 1,388% year-over-year (YoY) traffic growth.

In this eCommerce SEO case study, we’ll explore how Melanie Casey’s growth journey was 13 years in the making and what strategies finally cracked the code to higher rankings.

Plus, you’ll get tips and tools for replicating these wins on your site.

About Melanie Casey

Melanie Casey is a fine jewelry brand based in Andover, Massachusetts.

Its namesake founder specializes in engagement rings, offering delicate and unexpected designs. Customers can also shop for wedding bands, bracelets, necklaces, and more.

Melanie Casey homepage, a fine jewelry eCommerce.

While many pieces are ready to ship, Melanie Casey invites users to create one-of-a-kind jewelry through the site’s customization offerings.

Customers can choose from natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds, and an array of gemstones like opals and sapphires.

They can even go as far as selecting the exact diamond that will go in the ring, unlike many sites that just ask for gemstone specifications.

Melanie Casey custom ring allows your to select your diamond.

While Melanie Casey has been an online-only luxury goods provider for most of its lifetime, it recently opened a showroom in Andover, MA. Customers can book in-person appointments to meet with the Melanie Casey team.

Historical Performance

Melanie Casey launched her full-time jewelry profession in 2011.

She started using the domain in 2014, and, like many small businesses, traffic was slow to start.

According to Semrush historical data, monthly organic traffic stayed well below 1K visits for the first 3 years.

Then, Melanie Casey started to experience steady growth. The chart below demonstrates an increase in traffic over the next 6 years.

YearAnnual Organic TrafficMonthly Average

2023 set a new trajectory for Melanie Casey’s online reach, totaling over half a million visits by year’s end.

Then, 2024’s debut month knocked the site’s organic performance out of the water.

Melanie Casey received 254.4K visits in January 2024. That’s more than the total annual traffic generated by most other years—in a single month.

Melanie Casey 2 year organic traffic with traffic spike in January 2024 to 254K organic visits.

So, what finally clicked at the end of 2023 to soar 2024’s rankings and organic traffic?

And can your small business get the same kind of results?

Let’s find out.

The Catalyst: How Melanie Casey Grew From 17K Monthly Visits to Over a Quarter Million Visits grew its organic traffic by performing the following:

  1. Acquiring high-quality backlinks
  2. Going viral on social media
  3. Winning higher rankings from Google algorithm updates

Let’s look at each strategy to understand what Melanie Casey did to improve organic traffic and how to replicate it.

In the latter half of 2023, Melanie Casey experienced an influx of new backlinks.

Growth chart of backlinks at Melanie Casey.

Backlinks, or inbound links, are links that one website gets from another. They’re a hot topic in SEO because they’re considered among the top two ranking factors.

But with backlinks, not just any will do.

Quality matters.

A handful of high-quality backlinks can do more for your site’s rankings than thousands of spam links.

And in the case of Melanie Casey, not only did they reach a record-high 26.8K backlinks in January 2024, but there are some high-quality ones sprinkled in there.

Let us explain.

When we say high-quality, we mean a backlink that is:

  1. Natural
  2. Relevant
  3. And from a reputable source

For Melanie Casey, some new backlinks fulfill these criteria. Here are a few examples:

  • Martha Stewart Weddings
  • The Knot (a wedding planning website)

These are well-respected sources in the wedding industry, making them relevant to Melanie Casey. These backlinks are also natural because they fit seamlessly within the context of each mention.

Now, when talking about backlinks, we must also mention the difference between dofollow and nofollow links.

Dofollow links, also called follow links, tell search engines to “follow the link” and crawl the linked website. These links pass “SEO juice” and ranking power from the source site to the linked site. Because of this, follow links are preferred.

Nofollow links, on the other hand, do the opposite. They don’t pass link equity or tell search engines to crawl the linked site. Because of this, they’re traditionally considered weaker.

But that doesn’t mean they’re worthless.

Nofollow links can still generate traffic for your site. This is especially true when the backlink is from a reputable, high-traffic site.

Melanie Casey has a good mix of follow and nofollow links. In general, you want to aim for more follow than nofollow links, which Melanie Casey does.

Follow (83%) vs nofollow (17%) links at Melanie Casey.

Why this matters:

Backlinks are a cornerstone of effective SEO strategies. They’re critical in enhancing a website’s authority and visibility in search results.

High-quality backlinks from reputable sources signify trust and credibility to search engines.

Contrary to spam links, which can harm a site’s reputation.

For Melanie Casey, the surge in backlinks could have bolstered the brand’s authority in the wedding space. It could also have contributed to the new organic traffic.

This tutorial shows you how to get more backlinks.

It’s also important to highlight that an effective linking strategy goes beyond backlinks. You’ll also want to optimize for the following:

  • Internal links (from one page on your site to another page on your site)
  • Outbound links (from your site to another external site)

This link-building guide has all the steps you need to optimize for each.

Link building can be tedious, but what if we told you there’s a way to streamline the process in WordPress?

Link Assistant removes the manual work that goes into finding internal linking opportunities.

Instead of scouring your site for internal links, Link Assistant does it for you.

You’ll get linking suggestions in the WordPress editor, which you can add with the click of a button.

Internal linking suggestions from Link Assistant.

Next, let’s see what other factors were at play to boost Melanie Casey’s traffic.

2. Going Viral on Social Media

When we first analyzed Melanie Casey’s website, it was challenging to pinpoint changes that could have contributed to its explosive growth.

For example, it’s not uncommon to see websites increase their content production. Then, get a wave of new rankings and traffic. Or to perform a domain migration, new website design, etc.

But none of that was the case with Melanie Casey.

So, we took our search elsewhere (aka, the rest of the internet).

And that’s when we discovered Melanie Casey’s booming social media accounts.

Melanie Casey has cultivated a loyal audience on some of the most popular social media platforms.

On Instagram, she has almost half a million followers. And on TikTok, she’s at a cool 146K.

Melanie Casey Instagram account has 464K followers.

But having a high follower count wasn’t the only thing that caught our eye. No, Melanie Casey had several viral videos on both platforms.

And their dates corresponded with the traffic growth.

Below we see the Instagram account’s top viral reels, with views ranging from 4.9M to 8.5M.

Some viral Instagram reels from Melanie Casey with multi-million views.

And on TikTok, other videos went viral, ranging from 2M to 6.4M.

Viral TikTok videos from Melanie Casey with multi-million views.

Why this matters:

When done right, going viral can mean new traffic for your website.

It’s critical to have your desired next step easily accessible to your followers. And in the case of social media, that’s typically visiting your website and, often, making a purchase.

Like most businesses, Melanie Casey has her “links in bio.” This means users can easily access the website from the Instagram and TikTok account pages.

Melanie Casey's TikTok bio has a link to her website.

A strong social media presence, and online presence in general, can also build authority in the eyes of search engines.

Authority is one element of Google E-E-A-T guidelines, which are designed to weed out low-quality content and provide search results from trusted, credible websites.

By taking a holistic approach to building your online presence, you can send positive E-E-A-T signals and win higher rankings.

How to leverage social media for your site:

Sharing content is a huge part of building your social media presence.

Follow Melanie Casey’s lead and start by including your website in all social media bios.

Then, when you share a piece of content, include a link directly in the post when possible.

(This is easier to do with LinkedIn and Twitter. You can put links in comments on Instagram and TikTok, but they won’t be clickable. Users will need to copy and paste, so it’s not as user-friendly.)

You should also know that social media plugins can streamline the content-sharing process. Let’s look at our recommended plugin next.

Tools for social media integration:

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) features a social media integration that makes sharing your content a breeze. You can add up to 11 social media accounts, covering all major social platforms.

Here are a few things you can do with AIOSEO’s social media tools:

  • Set up default thumbnail images for Facebook.
  • Integrate with Facebook insights.
  • Generate post titles automatically using smart tags.
  • Customize and preview Twitter cards.

Check out the available network integrations below.

Social media integrations available on AIOSEO.

Now that we’ve explored how Melanie Casey bolstered its authority and online presence in 2023, let’s examine how search engines detected these changes.

3. Winning Higher Rankings from Google Algorithm Updates

Google algorithm updates in 2023 were particularly volatile, disrupting the search landscape and causing a stir among SEOs.

But for Melanie Casey, these updates were a breakthrough for its online visibility.

We’ll use the chart below to demonstrate how these updates impacted Melanie Casey’s keyword rankings.

Chart of Melanie Casey keyword rankings.

When we look at the chart, total keyword rankings have stayed relatively consistent over the past year. On average, Melanie Casey had 21.1K rankings per month.

But starting in August, we begin to see a change in the position distribution of keyword rankings.

Pay attention to the yellow sections in the columns below.

Position distribution of keyword rankings for Melanie Casey.

Do you see how they’re growing each month?

This yellow section represents keyword rankings in the top 3 positions of the search engine results page (SERP).

This distribution change means that even though Melanie Casey wasn’t winning new keyword rankings, it was ranking higher for existing ones.

Semrush also hints that Google had something to do with it, thanks to the G marker, which signals activity from algorithm updates.

August through November were busy algorithm update months, as outlined here:

  • August 2023 Broad Core Update
  • September 2023 Helpful Content Update (HCU)
  • October 2023 Broad Core Update
  • October 2023 Spam Update
  • November 2023 Broad Core Update
  • November 2023 Reviews Update

And while it’s impossible to pinpoint exactly which updates sparked the change in Melanie Casey’s position distribution, the higher rankings reflect an overall positive impact.

Why this matters:

According to SEO statistics, the top 3 organic search results get 68.7% of all clicks.

This metric highlights how critical it is to secure top-ranking positions. And the increase in Melanie Casey’s organic traffic proves it.

Melanie Casey 2 year organic traffic with traffic spike in January 2024 to 254K organic visits.

By consistently appearing at the top of search results, you:

  • Maximize your visibility.
  • Boost brand awareness.
  • Drive more traffic to your site.

How to win higher rankings for your site:

There’s a lot that goes into optimizing your site for higher rankings. There’s too much to fit it all in here, but we won’t leave you hanging.

Here are some helpful resources for improving your SEO and keyword rankings:

You can also find hundreds of easy-to-follow tutorials and articles on the AIOSEO blog and YouTube channel.

Tools for higher rankings:

The best WordPress SEO plugins streamline optimizations for maximum impact.

With AIOSEO, you get a suite of tools to make the most out of your content and online presence.

And while they all work together to support a robust SEO strategy, we have two favorites that directly impact your keyword rankings.

1. The TruSEO Analysis tool gives you actionable insights on your on-page SEO. This includes checklists for your primary keyword (as shown below), readability checks for improved user engagement, and custom social media titles and descriptions.

TruSEO focus keyphrase checklist with actionable insights.

2. The Search Statistics module helps you stay on top of your site’s SEO performance. This tool is key for monitoring the effects of your optimizations and the impact of Google algorithm updates. The dashboard shows you a timeline view with algorithm update markers. These markers allow you to pinpoint when an update could have affected your site. You can also generate user-friendly and comprehensive reports for your keyword rankings.

AIOSEO search statistics dashboard with impressions and clicks graph.

Standout SEO Wins

Before we wrap up, there’s an additional SEO technique we’d like to highlight at

1. They provide a seamless user experience with a custom 404 page.

Page not found errors are inevitable when running an eCommerce site. Items sell out, products change, collections are discontinued, etc.

To create a seamless user experience, Melanie Casey uses a custom 404 page when a user tries to access a URL that is no longer available.

In place of a dead-end “404 page not found” message, users find an on-brand image that invites them to shop other areas of the site. This creates a more positive user experience and can improve bounce rates.

Melanie Casey custom 404 page.

Tool: The Redirection Manager can help you redirect page not found errors to your custom 404 page. This tutorial walks you through the steps for redirecting 404 content.


In our analysis of Melanie Casey, we’ve seen how strategic online tactics and algorithm updates can transform a site’s visibility and traffic.

Now, let’s review which strategies you can use to grow your website’s performance and others to reconsider.

Top 3 Strategies to Emulate

  1. Invest in a well-rounded linking strategy. Develop a robust linking strategy that targets internal links and backlinks. Internal links help search engines understand your site structure and guide users to relevant content. Backlinks from reputable sources can improve your site’s traffic and authority. Combined, they can enhance your content’s discoverability and boost overall visibility.
  2. Leverage social media to build your online presence. Social media is a powerful venue for connecting with your audience. You can share content, interact with followers, and foster long-term growth. Social media is also a great way to build brand awareness and drive new traffic to your site.
  3. Master keyword optimizations and monitor ranking performance. It’s crucial to master keyword optimization techniques to improve your online visibility. Perform keyword research to identify relevant keywords you want to rank for. Then, integrate them into your website with content that fulfills search intent (and includes those keywords). Once content is live, you’ll want to monitor keyword rankings. You can stay agile for opportunities and sustained growth by tracking their performance.

Bottom 3 Strategies to Reconsider

  1. Neglecting image title tags when performing image SEO. Image title tags play an important role for users and search engines. They appear when users click or hover over an image, providing additional context. They also help search engines understand the image’s content, which makes it easier for the image to rank. Plus, when a tool like AIOSEO’s image SEO can automatically create them for you, there’s no excuse not to have them.
  2. Not writing a meta description for every indexable page. Some of Melanie Casey’s pages do not have meta descriptions. This oversight can have negative effects on clickthrough rates and traffic. Instead, you should have a meta description for every indexable page. This copy compels users to visit your page, increasing your CTR and organic traffic. You can even use a meta description generator to write them for you.
  3. Excluding author bios on its blog. Melanie Casey’s blog could benefit from an author bio on each post. Author bios are a great way to establish credibility with your audience. For example, a blog visitor would likely trust an article from Casey more than a blog without an author listed. Search engines also like to see your expertise. By showcasing your experience in your bio, you send strong E-E-A-T signals. AIOSEO can help you build and show strong bios with its new Author SEO feature.

Steal Our SEO Winning Strategy: A Checklist for Your Website

Growing your site’s visibility starts with strong SEO.

Get your exclusive SEO Checklist to learn which tasks can ignite your growth journey,

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Boost Your Rankings and Organic Traffic With AIOSEO

You don’t have to create and implement a winning SEO content strategy alone.

Let All in One SEO (AIOSEO) do the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business.

All in One SEO homepage, the best WordPress SEO plugin.

AIOSEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. With thousands of 5-star reviews and trusted by over 3 million website owners, you’ll get the tools to put your site at the top of the SERP.

Here are some of our favorite features:

  • Link Assistant: Get link suggestions, edit anchor text, and add internal links to your content in just 1 click. Link Assistant helps you effortlessly build a better linking strategy.
  • Social Media Integration: Seamlessly connect your social media platforms and share content with your audience. Available integrations include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and more.
  • TruSEO On-Page Analysis: Get an in-depth but easy-to-understand analysis of your optimizations. We’ll let you know where you’re hitting it in the ballpark and give you actionable items to make your content a home run.
  • Search Statistics: Keep an eye on your website’s organic performance with comprehensive and user-friendly reports. This tool makes it easy to monitor your keyword rankings and see when Google algorithm updates potentially affect SEO performance.
  • Image SEO: Turn on automatic image alt text and title attributes with just 1 click. You’ll save time from manual entries while helping users and search engines understand your images.
  • Author SEO: Create powerful author bios that showcase your experience and expertise. This addon aligns your content with Google E-E-A-T guidelines and helps readers trust what you’re sharing.
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Gabriela Jhean SEO Specialist
Gabriela is a creative and results-driven SEO specialist dedicated to helping small businesses stand out online. She contributes in-depth SEO case studies at AIOSEO Trends to reveal the winning strategies of top-ranking websites. In her downtime, Gabriela enjoys treasure hunting for antique jewelry.