401 Unauthorized

401 Unauthorized is a HTTP status code that indicates the client’s request lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource, therefore access is denied. Here are some example scenarios that can trigger 401 Unauthorized: Related:

400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request is a HTTP status code that indicates the client’s request to the server is invalid or malformed, meaning the server cannot understand or process the request. This could occur due to a typo in a URL, if…

308 Permanent Redirect

308 Permanent Redirect is a HTTP status code that indicates a permanent redirection of a requested resource to a different URL. 308 Permanent Redirect vs. 301 Redirects The difference between a 308 Permanent Redirect and a 301 Moved Permanently (also…

307 Temporary Redirect

307 Temporary Redirect is an HTTP status code that indicates a temporary redirection of a webpage to another URL, and that the client should continue to use the original URL for future requests. This redirect instructs the client to resubmit…

304 Not Modified

304 Not Modified is a HTTP status code that indicates that the requested resource has not been modified since the last time it was accessed, therefore there is no need to retransmit the requested resources. The 304 Not Modified client…

303 See Other

A “303 See Other” is an HTTP status code indicating that the response to the request can be found at a different URL using the GET method. The new URL is specified in the “Location” header of the HTTP response.…

302 Found

302 Found is a HTTP status code indicating that a requested web page or file has been temporarily moved to a different location. The new URL is specified in the “Location” header of the HTTP response. Examples: 2. During server…

301 Moved Permanently (301 Redirect)

301 Moved Permanently is a HTTP status code that indicates a resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. This technique for moving a URL permanently is called a 301 redirect. When a browser requests a URL that returns…

10x Content

10x content refers to high-quality, exceptional, and comprehensive content that provides far more value than existing online resources on the same topic. This content goes beyond what is expected, offering in-depth information, unique insights, visual appeal, and engaging formats that…

.htaccess File

The .htaccess file is a configuration file used by the Apache web server to apply specific rules and settings to a directory or website. Common uses of .htaccess include redirecting URLs, setting error pages, and denying or granting access to…