How to Optimize Existing Content for SEO

Would you like to know how to optimize existing content for SEO?

If you have an existing website with a lot of content, optimizing that content for search engines is crucial for driving more organic traffic. Over time, search engine algorithms change, and content can become stale or less relevant. This is called content decay and can result in reduced visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). It can also lead to a decline in organic traffic.

Optimizing existing content for search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for improving your website’s visibility and driving more traffic to your site. 

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to optimize your existing content for SEO and provide you with the best tools to help you achieve this goal.

What is Content Optimization? 

Content optimization is the process of improving existing website content to make it more effective for SEO and user experience (UX). It involves analyzing and refining your content to ensure it is relevant, informative, and engaging for both search engines and your target audience.

While it may sound complicated and time-consuming, there are various content optimization tools you can use to make it easier. You can also follow our content optimization tips to ensure that your content:

  • Meets the current SEO best practices
  • Aligns with user intent
  • Remains up-to-date with industry trends (evergreen)

Well-optimized content can result in better search rankings and more traffic to your site, making it an essential component of every blog content strategy.

How to Optimize Existing Content for SEO

Ready to revitalize your content?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you know how to optimize existing content:

1. Use the Right SEO Content Optimization Tools

To optimize your SEO content, you need to use the right tools. And at AIOSEO, we have 2 such tools:

  • All In One SEO (AIOSEO)
  • SEOBoost 

Here’s a brief summary of the content optimization capabilities of each:

Using AIOSEO for Content Optimization

One of the first tools to include in your content optimization toolbox is All In One SEO (AIOSEO). The plugin helps you optimize your content with a focus on SEO.

All in One SEO homepage, the best WordPress SEO plugin

AIOSEO is a powerful WordPress SEO plugin boasting 3+ million active users. Many marketers and bloggers trust the plugin to help them boost their search engine rankings and traffic. That’s because the plugin has many powerful features and modules to help you properly configure your SEO settings. 

When it comes to knowing how to optimize existing content, some of the modules you’ll find helpful include:

TruSEO Analysis

AIOSEO’s TruSEO On-page Analysis gives you a score of how well-optimized your content is.

AIOSEO's TruSEO analysis example

It even gives you recommendations for improving it so your content is optimized for SEO. 

TruSEO Highlighter

AIOSEO’s TruSEO Highlighter is a great tool that helps you nail your on-page SEO on the fly. 

TruSEO highlighter example

The TruSEO Highlighter analyzes your page content and makes readability recommendations. It highlights items that include:

  • Subheading distribution
  • Passive voice 
  • Transition words

AIOSEO’s TruSEO gives you recommendations for fixing any on-page SEO errors it finds. This way, you can rest assured your content is optimized.

Internal links play a huge role in content optimization. They help:

  • Distribute link juice
  • Improve crawling and indexing
  • Help keep readers on your site longer

This is where AIOSEO’s Link Assistant comes in.

Link Assistant is a tool that crawls your site and gives a report of all the links on your site.

Link Assistant is a powerful tool you can use to optimize your existing content.

Link Assistant gives you a Links Report that shows you internal linking suggestions and your site’s orphan pages.

To help boost your internal linking strategy, Link Assistant

The best part is that you don’t even need to open a post to add the links. You can just do so from the Link Assistant dashboard.

For step-by-step instructions on how to install AIOSEO, check our detailed installation guide.

SEOBoost: Full-suite Content Management Platform

Another content optimization tool to consider is SEOBoost

SEOBoost Homepage

SEOBoost is a full-suite content management platform you can use to:

  • Create content briefs and outlines
  • Create topic reports
  • Use AI to speed up content optimization

It also gives recommendations on how to better optimize your content before publishing.

The tool has a powerful content audit feature for optimizing existing content for SEO. Simply input the URL of the page you want to audit, and SEOBoost will analyze it for you and recommend improvements.

SEOBoost content audit report

Once the audit is complete and you’ve analyzed the data, click the Optimize Content button. 

SEOBoost optimize content button

This will take you to a page where you can use the content audit results to optimize your content.

Check out the full power of SEOBoost here.

2. Identify the Content that Needs Updating

The next step in learning how to optimize existing content for SEO is to identify the content that needs updating. In most cases, this content is decaying or losing traffic and relevance over time. AIOSEO’s Search Statistics module, our Google Search Console integration, can easily identify this content. 

Search Statistics is designed to help you track and monitor your content and keyword performance in your WordPress dashboard. This means you don’t have to turn to tools like Google Analytics (GA4), Semrush, or other tools. 

Regarding spotting content decay, you can use 2 reports in Search Statistics: the Content Performance report and the Keyword Rankings report. So, let’s dive into how these 2 can help you spot content decay.

The Content Performance Report

The Content Performance report provides insights into how your content is performing on SERPs. It provides an overview of all your content and a deep dive into your losing and winning content.

Content Performance report

In this case, we’ll want to focus on the Top Losing tab, which shows the content slipping in rankings. 

Top Losing tab in the Content Performance report.

In many cases, this decline is a result of content decay. 

The Keyword Rankings Report

The Keyword Rankings report focuses more on how your keywords are performing in search. 

Keyword Rankings tab

This report shows you which keywords are gaining momentum on SERPs and those that are tanking. 

Top Losing tab in the Keyword Rankings report.

Again, to spot content decay, we’ll want to focus on those that are declining in rankings.

Monitor Impressions

Besides the Content Performance and Keyword Rankings reports, you can also monitor the Impressions tab.

Impressions tab in Search Statistics.

Impressions refer to the number of times users on SERPs see your search listing. A decline in Impressions indicates that fewer people can see your search listing. This is usually a result of dropping in rankings—a sign of content decay.

Check for Dips in Clickthrough Rates (CTR)

Organic clickthrough rates (CTR) indicate the percentage of people who click on your search listing on SERPs. Again, you can check this critical metric using AIOSEO’s Search Statistics module.

Average CTR tab in Search Statistics.

Keeping tabs on your CTRs is essential to monitoring content decay and identifying existing content that needs to be optimized for SEO.

3. Run a Content Audit Report

A content audit systematically analyzes your content to assess its quality, performance, and relevance to the target audience. It helps identify which content to keep, remove, or optimize. This is essential in knowing how to optimize existing content for SEO.

One tool that can help you run SEO audits without needing any technical knowledge is SEOBoost. It’s so easy. All you have to do is input the URL of the page you want to audit.

SEOBoost content audit report

SEOBoost will analyze it for you and recommend improvements you can make to optimize the page. Once the audit is complete and you’ve analyzed the data, click the Optimize Content button. 

SEOBoost optimize content button

This will take you to a page where you can use the content audit results to optimize your content.

You can take your content audit a step further by finding low-difficulty keywords to add to your content. A tool like LowFruits makes this easy.

LowFruits home page

LowFruits is another tool to add to your list of the best SEO rank trackers. It’s a revolutionary keyword research tool designed to help you unearth low-competition keywords to skyrocket your SEO. 

LowFruits rank tracker.

LowFruits identifies weak spots in the SERPs, allowing you to target keywords with a higher chance of ranking. These can help optimize your existing content to rank for more keywords, resulting in better search rankings and more traffic.

4. Optimize Your Content

Armed with the content audit report data, you can now take the next step in optimizing your existing content. Remember, the main essence of content optimization is to get your on-page SEO right. SEOBoost helps by showing you many on-page SEO elements you can optimize on your page. 

Example of SEO audit.

For example, SEOBoost helps ensure you:

Using tools like SEOBoosts is the fastest way to ensure your content is primed to meet the on-page SEO standards for your target keyword. That’s why this tool is invaluable if you seriously want to know how to optimize existing content for SEO.

An integral part of optimizing existing content is updating associated links and metadata. Broken links, outdated meta descriptions, and inaccurate SEO titles can harm your site’s usability and search engine rankings. You should also consider linking to newer content and having that newer content link to the page you’re optimizing.

Here’s how you can easily optimize these elements without breaking a sweat:

Adding links in Link Assistant.

Use AIOSEO’s link assistant to optimize links and find new linking opportunities. This will help signal to search engines the relevance of that page. Link Assistant also helps you find and fix orphan pages

Leverage AI to Generate Metadata Fast and at Scale

Particularly if you publish many pages, crafting SEO-friendly title tags and meta descriptions can take up a lot of time. That’s why you should speed this process up with an AI-powered tool. AIOSEO’s AI Title/Description Generator makes this easy, as you don’t even have to leave your WordPress dashboard.

AI meta description suggestions

Simply click on the version you want to use, and you’ll have your meta description or title tag with the click of a button. This will help speed up the content optimization process, giving you time for other tasks.

For detailed steps on using this powerful tool, check out our tutorial on using a meta description generator in WordPress.

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date links and metadata enhances the user experience and improves your site’s visibility. Despite significantly impacting your content, it’s one of the most often overlooked content optimization tips.

Broken links create a frustrating user experience and can hurt your SEO performance in several ways. From a user experience standpoint, running into dead links disrupts the content flow and can cause visitors to quickly abandon your site. Search engines also look negatively upon sites with many broken links, which signals poor site maintenance and quality issues.

This is why, if you want to know how to optimize existing content, fixing broken links must be a part of your strategy.

To easily find and fix broken links, use tools like Broken Link Checker.

Fixing broken links helps improve crawlability.

This is a powerful tool that crawls your site and identifies broken links. With a click of a button, you can easily fix them.

Broken Link Checker options.

The tool gives you action options like:

  • Edit URL
  • Unlink
  • Recheck
  • Add Redirect
  • Dismiss 

The best part is you don’t even need to leave your WordPress dashboard to fix the affected links.

For detailed instructions, check out our tutorial on finding and fixing broken links in WordPress.

How to Optimize Existing Content for SEO: Your FAQs Answered

What is Content optimization?

Content optimization is the process of improving existing website content to make it more effective for search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience. 

What is the first step in optimizing existing content?

The first step is to perform a content audit. Go through all your existing pages/posts and analyze metrics like traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate etc., to identify which pages need optimization.

What are the best content optimization tools?

Some of the best tools to consider as you investigate how to optimize existing content include

We hope this post has helped you know how to optimize existing content for SEO. You may also want to check out other articles on our blog, like our in-depth look at the leaked Google search algorithm documents or our top content optimization tips.

If you found this article helpful, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You’ll find many more helpful tutorials there. You can also follow us on X (Twitter), LinkedIn, or Facebook to stay in the loop.

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Kato Nkhoma Content Writer
Kato is one of those rare unicorns born with a pen in his hand—so the legend says. He’s authored 2 books and produced content for hundreds of brands. When he’s not creating content for AIOSEO, you’ll find him either watching tech videos on YouTube or playing with his kids. And if you can’t find him, he’s probably gone camping.

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