LLM (Large Language Model)

A large language model (LLM) is a natural language processing (NLP) system trained on massive amounts of text data to...

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are highly specific, niche search phrases, usually consisting of three or more words. These keywords often have lower...


Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on developing algorithms and systems that allow computers to learn...

Marketing Channel

A marketing channel refers to the set of intermediaries and activities involved in the process of transferring products or services...

Merchant Listing Schema

Merchant listing schema is a type of structured data that allows businesses to provide detailed information about their products to...

Meta Description

A meta description is a brief summary of a webpage’s content. This description is typically displayed in search engine results...

Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity is a free, user behavior analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors interact with their web...


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and manipulate data...



NAP (Name, Address, Phone) in SEO refers to the consistent listing of a business’s basic information across the web. While...

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and...

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that focuses on enabling computers to comprehend and...


Navboost was an algorithm launched by Google in the early 2000s to determine the relevance and importance of a webpage...

Negative SEO

Negative SEO refers to the unethical practice of using various strategies to harm or decrease the search engine rankings of...

Nofollow Link Attribute

A nofollow link contains an HTML attribute (rel=”nofollow”) that instructs search engines not to pass link equity or link juice...

Noindex Tag

The noindex tag is an HTML meta tag that instructs search engines not to index a specific web page in...


Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to the optimization activities that take place on sites other than yours, but which can improve your...

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in...

Open Graph Tags

Open Graph tags are snippets of code that publishers can include on their websites to provide structured data about a...

Organic Search Results

Organic search results refer to the unpaid listings on a search engine results page (SERP) that appear because of their...

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to the visitors who arrive at a website through unpaid search engine results. When a user searches...