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How a Nutrition App Grew Site Traffic by 754% in 6 Months
SEO case study of ZOE.


380.2K to 3.2M Monthly Visits


Health & Medical


Mobile App

Reporting Date

June 2024

ZOE is a health platform that provides personalized nutrition recommendations. It uses at-home tests to understand how your body responds to food and offers insights to help you make informed dietary choices. Users can access these insights, track their progress, and speak to a nutritional coach from the ZOE mobile app.

However, ZOE's success extends beyond its innovative platform.

In June 2024, its organic traffic skyrocketed to a staggering 3.2M monthly visits, a nearly 10x increase compared to 6 months prior.

ZOE organic traffic chart with spike in June 2024.

This remarkable growth begs the question: how'd they do it?

In this SEO case study, we'll take a deep dive into the strategies behind ZOE's explosive traffic growth.

You'll learn:

  • How they did it
  • How you can too
  • WordPress tools and tutorials for replicating ZOE's wins

Let’s get started.

The Catalyst: How ZOE Achieved 3.2M Monthly Visits

1. A Seamless Domain Migration: 301 Redirect Strategy

In early fall 2023, ZOE migrated its website from to

They implemented a 301 redirect strategy to ensure a smooth transition for users and search engines.

Here's what they did:

  1. Mapped each URL. Every URL on was paired with a corresponding destination on the new domain. This strategy ensures that users searching for specific content on the old domain would land on the relevant page of the new website. This helps users and crawlers to avoid broken links or “page not found” errors.
  2. Implemented permanent redirects. ZOE used 301 redirects on each of its mapped URLs. This HTTP status code tells search engines that a page has moved permanently. In simple terms, 301 redirects act like a forwarding address. They direct users and search engines from the old location ( to the new one (
  3. Preserved SEO value. 301 redirects are crucial for SEO because they transfer link equity from the old URL to the new one. This prevents a drop in search rankings for content that has been moved. By using 301 redirects, ZOE ensured their SEO efforts on the old domain weren't lost during the migration. Instead, all rankings were carried over to the new site.

The results of this domain migration were flawless.

The first graph illustrates the loss in traffic from in September 2023, marking the migration. traffic chart shows a drop in September 2023.

And here we see that traffic getting picked up by the new domain:

Organic traffic chart for

Ultimately, this domain migration laid the groundwork for ZOE's soon-to-come traffic growth.

Fast forward to June 2024, and has surpassed the old domain's pre-migration peak traffic.

Why this matters:

ZOE's seamless domain migration serves as a masterclass for businesses considering a similar move.

Here's why it matters:

  • Preserves the user experience. By mapping URLs and implementing 301 redirects, ZOE ensured a smooth transition for users. This strategy minimized broken links, preventing frustration and keeping users engaged.
  • Maintains SEO value. The 301 redirects transfer the rankings and authority associated with the old domain to the new one. This strategy prevents a drop in organic performance and maintains a website's online visibility.
  • Streamlines branding. Shifting to a shorter, more memorable domain name like “” strengthens brand recognition and makes it easier for users to find you.

How to do a domain migration on your site:

This WordPress migration tutorial shows you how to move your website to a new domain.

Here’s a quick overview of the process:

  1. Back up your WordPress site.
  2. Create a new MySQL database for the new domain.
  3. Unpack your WordPress site on the new domain.
  4. Set up permanent (301) redirects.
  5. Test the site and ensure everything works properly.

Tools for WordPress website migrations:

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) makes executing a full site redirect easy.

Just enter your old and new domains in the Redirection Manager.

The tool will then implement permanent redirects automatically, ensuring your SEO efforts carry over to the new domain.

Redirection Manager settings to relocate your full site.

Next, let’s see how SERP features drive more traffic than ever to

And how they’re getting them.

2. Seeing is Believing: The Power of Image SEO

SERP features are enhanced search results with elements beyond a standard blue link. There are several types, each with unique features.

For example, a rich snippet may include an image, and a review snippet may show an average customer rating.

SERP features are important because they help you stand out on the SERP.

This leads to more clicks and organic traffic for your site.

For ZOE, they’ve optimized their website for SERP features. One of the most rewarding has been rich snippets, particularly images.

The chart below demonstrates a rapid growth in rankings with images since the domain migration. ZOE ranked for 72.1K keywords with image rich results in June 2024.

ZOE rankings for rich results with images.

And here’s what one looks like on the SERP:

Rich snippet with image for the query avocado.

Now, here’s the thing about images: search engines can’t see images like you and me.

So, you need to communicate their content in a way search engines can understand.

Image SEO helps you do this.

Image SEO refers to the practice of optimizing your images for search engines. It uses different text elements to communicate the image’s content in a way that’s easy for them to understand.

Let’s use ZOE’s avocado image as an example of image SEO.

Here’s the image on their blog:

Avocado health blog on ZOE with picture of avocado.

And here are their image optimizations:

  • Image filename: avocados-growing-on-a-tree.jpg
  • Alt text: avocados-growing-on-a-tree
  • Image title: Avocados pack a unique nutritional punch.

ZOE also implements ImageObject schema markup to help search engines further understand this image.

Schema markup is specialized code search engines use to understand and categorize your content.

Search engines can also use schema markup to generate rich results on the SERP, making it a technical SEO must-have.

Why this matters:

According to SEO statistics, rich results generate 58% of all clicks.

This is significantly higher than non-rich results, which have a clickthrough rate (CTR) of 41%.

Following image SEO best practices can also help you rank in Google Images, where over 1 billion searches are made every day.

How to do image SEO:

Let’s recap some of ZOE’s image SEO strategies (and more):

  1. Include your focus keyword in the image filename.
  2. Write descriptive alt text.
  3. Write SEO-friendly image titles.
  4. Implement schema markup.
  5. Compress file sizes.
  6. Create an image sitemap.

For even more tips, this article has 18 ways of optimizing your images.

Tools for image SEO:

Image SEO can be time-consuming without the right tools.

At AIOSEO, the Image SEO tool streamlines your optimizations for greater efficiency and reach.

Smart tags allow you to automatically generate elements like image titles, alt text, and captions. Setting them up only takes a few clicks, and then you can benefit from automated workflows.

Image SEO settings automate title tags.

Next, let’s look at another SERP feature: Google’s People Also Ask.

3. Decoding User Needs: Google’s People Also Ask

The People Also Ask (PAA) section of the SERP aims to answer related questions to the user’s search query.

It appears near the top of search results and features an accordion-like appearance.

Users can expand a question to reveal the answer, as shown below.

People also ask box for the query keto diet.

In June 2024, ZOE won an impressive 46.3K rankings in Google’s PAA box.

ZOE rankings in Google's people also ask box.

Here’s what they did to get them:

  1. Used question-based titles or subheadings.
  2. Answered the question directly below the title or subheading.
  3. Optimized for readability with simple, short sentences. (With limited space on the SERP, this style performs well in search.)

I would have also liked to see FAQ schema markup, but ZOE typically doesn’t write dedicated FAQ sections. Instead, they focus on working the questions into their body copy, as explained above.

Why this matters:

Ranking in Google’s People Also Ask box brings the following benefits:

  • Increased visibility
  • Better brand awareness
  • Higher clickthrough rates
  • Increased organic traffic

How to rank in Google’s People Also Ask:

This beginner-friendly guide shows you how to optimize for Google’s PAA.

Here’s a recap of the process:

  1. Find the right questions (keyword research will help you find them).
  2. Decipher and fulfill search intent.
  3. Write high-quality content.
  4. Implement FAQ schema markup.

Tools for PAA rankings:

FAQs are a great way to rank in Google’s PAA box.

With AIOSEO, you can write them using FAQ blocks in WordPress. The plugin automatically adds FAQ schema for you, increasing the likelihood of a PAA ranking.

Add FAQ blocks in WordPress with AIOSEO.

Now, let’s look at a final SERP feature: featured snippets.

Featured snippets appear above organic listings and answer the user’s query directly on the SERP.

They can take various forms, such as:

  • Paragraphs
  • Tables
  • Videos
  • Lists (as shown below)
ZOE featured snippet with a list of high fiber vegetables.

Featured snippets are one of the most covetable search results due to their prominence on the SERP.

However, like all things search, they’re not totally straightforward to get.

Google generates featured snippets on a per-search basis, meaning there’s no guarantee of getting one.

With that said, there are best practices that ZOE upholds to win featured snippets, such as:

  • Implementing appropriate schema markup for your page.
  • Optimizing your content in a question-answer format (similar to what we discussed with ZOE’s optimizations for the PAA box).
  • Using a table of contents.
  • Writing the best piece of content on a topic.

ZOE’s optimizations have been fruitful, winning them 6.9K featured snippets in June.

ZOE chart of featured snippet rankings.

Why this matters:

Featured snippets have the highest CTR for a single result at 42.9%.

This translates to a significant advantage for ZOE in terms of organic traffic.

But the benefits go beyond just clicks.

The recent Google algorithm leak suggests that clicks are an important ranking signal.

Here's how these two advantages benefit you:

  • Unmatched visibility
  • Potential ranking boost
  1. Implement schema markup.
  2. Optimize content structure for featured snippets.
  3. Use a table of contents.
  4. Write the best piece of content on the subject.
  5. Look at your competitors.

For an in-depth explanation of each step, visit this tutorial on how to get featured snippets.

At its core, winning a featured snippet is about creating the best content for a keyword.

Easier said than done, right?

Well, with TruSEO, it’s not as difficult as you may think. This tool helps you understand your optimization efforts to maximize your content’s reach and rankings.

For example, the Focus Keyphrase Checklist reminds you to include your primary keyword in critical areas, like subheadings.

Focus keyphrase checklist in WordPress.

SEO is in the details, and TruSEO helps you maximize your on-page optimizations for featured snippets.

Standout SEO Wins

Before we wrap up, there’s an additional technique I’d like to highlight at

Author Bios Send Google E-E-A-T Signals

ZOE cites an author and reviewer for each of its articles. They also include their higher education degree.

ZOE authors for a keto diet article.

Users can click an author’s bio to reach ZOE’s Science Review Team landing page and learn more about the individual’s qualifications.

Michel Jospe PhD author bio on ZOE.

Author bios are a powerful way to connect with your audience. It puts real people behind your content and can help boost user trust and engagement.

An effective author bio is also beneficial for SEO.

That’s because Google looks for E-E-A-T signals when ranking a website.

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

These factors are particularly important for websites in the Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) category, which includes health and nutrition information like ZOE, where accurate and reliable content is essential.

For ZOE, showcasing their authors' credentials sends clear E-E-A-T signals to search engines.

This strategy positions them as a reliable source of nutrition information and contributes to their overall organic success.

Tool: AIOSEO offers an Author SEO tool that makes creating and displaying author bios easier than ever. You can add credentials, topics you know about, a photo, and more.

Author SEO settings in AIOSEO.


In our analysis of ZOE's website, we've uncovered the SEO strategies that fueled their explosive traffic growth.

Now, let's turn these insights into actionable steps for your website.

Top 3 Strategies to Emulate

  1. Support a domain migration with a 301 redirect strategy. Moving to a new domain doesn't have to hurt your SEO. Implement a 301 redirect strategy, which acts like a forwarding address, to seamlessly transfer users and search engine rankings from your old domain to your new one. This ensures a smooth transition and prevents a drop in SEO performance.
  2. Optimize your content for SERP features. SERP features have high clickthrough rates and grab users' attention in search results. Optimize your content for various SERP features, like the Google People Also Ask box and featured snippets. To do this, answer user questions clearly in your content and format it in a way that's easy for search engines to understand. (Think question-answer format and use schema markup). This increases the likelihood of SERP features, which boost your website's visibility and traffic.
  3. Send Google E-E-A-T signals with author bios. Build trust and establish your website as an authority by including detailed author bios. Highlight the author's education, experience, and relevant credentials. Connect authors to a dedicated team page (if applicable) to further showcase expertise. This strategy sends strong E-E-A-T signals, which can help establish your website as a reliable and trustworthy source in your niche.

Bottom 3 Strategies to Reconsider

  1. Ignoring canonical URLs. Several of ZOE's pages do not have a canonical tag. Canonical tags tell search engines which URL is your preferred version of a page (and which to rank in search results.) Neglecting canonical URLs can lead to duplicate content issues and potentially harm your SEO. For your website, you should set a canonical tag on every page—even if they're self-referencing. AIOSEO can help you manage your canonical links in WordPress.
  2. Exceeding meta title character limits. Meta titles are the clickable headlines displayed in search results. Exceeding character limits (60 characters) cuts off your title in search results, which can lead to a poor user experience and lower CTR. Aim for concise and informative titles that accurately reflect your content. You can also use a SERP snippet tool to see how your meta title looks in search results before publishing.
  3. Forgetting meta descriptions. Meta descriptions are short summaries under your title in search results. While not a direct ranking factor, they entice users to click. Leaving them blank or poorly written is a missed opportunity to showcase the value of your content. It can also result in losing clicks to competitors. Instead, make sure every indexable page of your site has a compelling meta description. You can even use a meta description generator to write them for you.

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Dominate the SERP and Get More Clicks With AIOSEO

Imagine effortlessly replicating ZOE's winning SEO strategies and watching your organic traffic soar.

While their success is impressive, the path doesn't have to be paved with trial and error.

AIOSEO can be your secret weapon for achieving similar results and dominating the search engine results page.

All in One SEO homepage, the best WordPress SEO plugin.

AIOSEO is the leading SEO plugin for WordPress. It has over 3 million active installs and thousands of 5-star reviews.

Here's how AIOSEO tools empower you to implement the winning strategies we've explored from ZOE:

  • Redirection Manager: Prevent humans and bots from getting lost when you move content or domains. The Redirection Manager helps you easily choose and implement the best redirect type that preserves your SEO.
  • Image SEO: Turn on automatic image alt text and title attributes with a single click. You’ll save time from manual entries while helping users and search engines understand your images.
  • Rich Snippets Schema: Win more rich results with AIOSEO’s user-friendly schema generator. Just pick the schema type you want, and we’ll format the structured data properly for Google.
  • FAQ Blocks: Add FAQs to your content to increase the likelihood of appearing in Google’s People Also Ask box. These results help boost brand awareness and increase clickthrough rates.
  • TruSEO Score: Level up your content and go beyond a simple pass or fail. TruSEO analyzes your on-page SEO, giving you actionable insights to maximize your content's reach.
  • Author SEO: Create powerful author bios that showcase your experience and expertise. This add-on aligns your content with Google E-E-A-T guidelines and helps readers trust your content.
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Gabriela Jhean SEO Specialist
Gabriela is a creative and results-driven SEO specialist dedicated to helping small businesses stand out online. She contributes in-depth SEO case studies at AIOSEO Trends to reveal the winning strategies of top-ranking websites. In her downtime, Gabriela enjoys treasure hunting for antique jewelry.